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Helen  Evans, Ph.D 

P R A C T I C E - B A S E D - R E S E A R C H

I/SPY: Welcome Citizens

Venue: Royal Central School of Speech and Drama 

Description: An immersive dissemination of research process

Operation Trafalgar Square and National Gallery 2

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Helen's Ph.D, I/Spy, converges practice-based-research in the Arts and Auto/Ethnography. Her practice is positioned between flâneurie (as per the Poe, Baudelaire and Benjamin lineage) – solo, undercover following and literary/photographic documentation of such, and the psychogeographic, city-centric, collective method of dérive.


Helen's supporting thesis examines four field investigations into surveillance performativity within an ideological social atmosphere of a democratic context, and how the associated behaviour of its citizens plays-out in and rendering a social surveillant mis en scene. It  identifies, compares and theorises the perceived ocular power dynamics and associated behaviours of coteries of research-participants tasked with performing resistance whilst resisting performance; this is, essentially, about undercover performance in the everyday. Helen's thesis ultimately argues that and how surveillance culture both reflects and hails our latent sleuth. 

Operation Tate Modern

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Operation Trafalgar Square 1 

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public I . private eye . private I . public eye 

Sanctity of Hair 

Venues: Institute of Contemporary Arts (2007) and RCSSD (2006)

MA Practice-as-Research in performance

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C O N F E R E N C E   P A P E R S

Big Data: Public I/ Private Eye                                                                                                                           2016

Performance and New Technologies Working Group (TaPRA )                  University of Bristol 

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Participation: About Turn (Concerning Spect-actorship)                                                                       2012

Theme: 'The Tyranny of Participation" (TaPRA Conference)                            University of Kent

                                                                                                                                                  Award: TaPRA bursary 

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PUBLIC ‘I’: Intermediality, SurVEILance and the Interactive Turn                                                      2012

Performing Research: Creative Exchange Conference                                                               RCSSD

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Intermediality: SurVEILance and the Interactive encounter                                                                  2011

Directing and Dramaturgy working group (TaPRA Conference)                Kingston University

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What Are You Looking At? Participant-Spectatorship and Thirdspace Intersubjectivity           2010

Performing Research Conference                             Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Appropriating Inappropriateness: Transgression, Discomfort and Conscience                             2006

(emerging a method/ology),                                                  MA, Central School of Speech and Drama

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